Bach flower essences

Bach Flower essences are quantum medicines.

Derived from the essences of flower of wild trees and bushes and unlike essential oils or herbal extracts that contain the physical substances extracted from plants, there is no physical, chemical or bio-chemical component of the flower left in a flower essence. Instead, the life-force and vibrational signature of the flower is imprinted within a water-based matrix.

This makes healing and transforming with Bach essences, absolutely safe, simple and without any side effects.


The impact of flower essences

Flower essences do not operate through biochemical intervention but through resonance in the subtle human energy field.
Unlike pharmaceuticals or some herbal medicines, flower essences do not suppress symptoms but work through vibrational energetics.
They stimulate all five bodies of human existence, addressing physical and emotional health.
Flower essences aim to raise awareness levels and restore individuals to homeostasis and harmony.
Their impact is rooted in vibrational energetics rather than biochemical processes.

Healing Emotional States and Beyond

There are 38 unique Bach flower essences that address 38 unique emotional states. These essences can be combined to create millions of composites, which heal the complex and dynamic clusters of human emotions and thus almost all conceivable mental and emotional conditions and even physical conditions that arise out of their repression.

As the flower essences are absolutely safe and without any side effects, they may be used to self-medicate and get temporary relief. However, to be able to heal irreversibly from the root, it is essential to seek help of a competent practitioner who understands the interplay of human emotions, can delve into the unconscious to get to the root cause and knows how to create ‘harmonious composites’ that heal holistically.

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